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Your Painting Blogs Will Suffer if You Don’t Do This…

Your Painting Blogs Will Suffer if You Don’t Do This…

If you want to sell, you have to grab attention.

Sure blogging can increase traffic,

but if the title isn’t “eye-catching” your blog will not perform as well as you thought it would when you put a lot of time into it.

Here are 7 tips to increase sales simply with the titles of your blogs!

1. Make The Title The Right Length

When you have a blog article, you need to get the essence of the subject into your title while using the right number of words.

Ideally you’re not going to want to have fewer than 15 characters, and you’re going to try to have no more than 40 characters.

The reason that a title that’s too short is not ideal is that people are less likely to notice the title.

Too long of a title, on the other hand, will put people off and have them not want to click on it in the first place.

By sticking to a title that is between 15 and 40 characters, you’re going to get a lot more clicks on your blog and so boost your SEO.

[Related: How Often Should I Post On My Painting Blog, and Why?]

2. Have The Title In The Form Of A Question

Since a lot of people do their searches online in the form of a question, it would be a good idea if your title was also in the form of a question.

For example, consider a person who wants to get information about painting their kitchen cabinets.

You could title a blog “Tips On Painting Your Kitchen Cabinets” but let’s consider how you could phrase that as a question.

One way would be to write, “How Can I Paint My Kitchen Cabinets?” and that might be exactly what someone would search for online.

Another question based title might be “What Colors Can I Paint My Kitchen Cabinets?”

3. Make Use Of Power Words

Power words are the kinds of words that have an impact — they could be words like gigantic, mighty, inspiring… they get an emotional response.

The reason that it’s a good idea to use power words in your blog title is that you’re a lot more likely to get such a response.

Think about a blog you might write about decorating a living room — let’s consider two different titles for such a blog.

The first is “7 Tips For Decorating Your Living Room” — and the second is “7 Genius Tips For Decorating Your Living Room.”

Even though the two blogs might have the same exact content, the second one is going to get a lot more clicks because of the power word.

4. Add A Meta Description

Meta descriptions are the text that your typical search engine is going to show off to the people who find you via see under the search result.

If you don’t put any text in the meta description, search engines will choose what to put there based on the text of your article.

It may choose well, but if you really want to make your blog look good you should write your own meta description.

It should describe the essence of your article, and if you are using an addon such as Yoast, it will help you by keeping your meta description the right length.

Here is a video tutorial on writing meta descriptions:

5. Make It Relevant By Adding The Year

People who are doing searches online like to know that the information that they’re getting is up to date.

So if someone is searching for information about what colors are good for painting, they’ll want to know what colors are good this year, not in 1978.

To that end, you can add the current year to your blog title and thus when people see the title, know it is up to date.

If you are worried that this means that you’re going to have to spend a lot of time every year changing all of your titles, there is a solution.

Depending on what you use to blog, there may be code you can use to automatically get it changed every year.

Here’s a tutorial on updating the year in your blog title automatically:

6. Sound Educational

The more educational your blog title sounds, the better you are going to be in terms of getting clicks.

The reason that this is the case is that you will find that people will do a lot of searches in order to learn…

So if the title of your blog sounds as though it’s educational, it’s going to get a good number more clicks than if it did not.

When you combine this with the notion that you should put your titles in the form of a question, you’ll be getting a lot more clicks.

7. Put The Query In The URL

The last thing to consider to improve your SEO is to actually make your URL in the form of a search query.

What this means is that when you are making your blog, you should be able to edit what the url will look like, and so you should make it look like what people will search for.

An example of this would be the URL

This would be useful for a good blog article about what colors are suggested for painting their kitchen, for example.

This ultimately is good in that people who will see your URL will connect it to what they are trying to find.

It’s also very good from the SEO perspective, as the search engines will make the connection between what people are searching for and your article.

Quick Recap

1. To get people to click on your blog article, make the title the right length — about 15 to 40 characters.

2. Questions are what people are often asking in search engines, so have the title in the form of a question to appeal to them.

3. Make use of power words to attract clicks

4. Add a meta description to your blog so search results will show what you want and not sentences the search engines choose from your article.

5. You can make a blog title seem more relevant by adding the current year to it.

6. You’ll get a lot more clicks on your title if it sounds educational.

7. Put the exact query in the URL so people who see the URL will see their query and want to click.

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