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7 Growth Hacking Techniques

growth hacking

We all work on growing our businesses quickly and effectively.

Some things work well, and others not so much.

If you’re tired of getting your hopes up only to see disappointing results, this is for you!

Here are 7 proven growth hacking techniques that will surely improve your business:

1. Utilize a Referral Program

This is when you give your customers a chance to refer you to their family and friends for a small incentive.

This incentive is normally something along the lines of a discount, or some kind of promotion, coupon codes, buy 1 get 1, etc…

A good tool for this is Referral Candy.

2. Retargeting Ad Tools

Drop those cookies and trail them back to your site!

Retargeting is when you “pixel” a visitor on your website.

When they leave the page, you are able to track them on popular websites and social media platforms using ad tracking.

A good tool for ad tracking is Adroll.

3. Giveaways / Contests

Use targeted contests or giveaways.

When holding a contest, instead of charging them to enter, collect contact info instead.

This is a brilliant way to gain potential leads, just sit back and watch your email list grow!

A good tool for this is “”.

4. Target Competitors’ Fans

What better way to gain the right audience than to look to your competitor’s fans and engage with them!

Since they are your competitor’s fans, you already know they’re the right audience.

The hard part is done because you already know you are what they’re looking for, all you have to do is prove to them why you’re a better fit.

This is an easy way to create a targeted audience.

A tool for this is “CrowdFire

5. Create an Online Community

Building relationships with your customers is really the key to a successful business.

How do you expect to keep them if you don’t build a community?

Think about it… they trusted your brand enough to do business with you when they bought one of your products or services.

Now it’s your turn, reach out, thank them, send them special promotional deals, stay connected.

Most importantly, put a face to your brand.

People are more likely to complete a sale with a personalized brand.

6. Personalize The Experience

The sweetest sound to one’s ear is their own name.

A good way to increase sales is to make the experience enjoyable for the user.

Every time they log in (if applicable) display a “welcome back, [name]”.

If they’ve visited the site before, show them products they recently viewed, giving them exactly what they wanted to see.

7. Custom Abandonment Emails

The average percentage of abandoned carts is roughly 67.91%.

This means a shopper landed on your page, added items to their cart, and left…

The world is busy, busy, busy, people get distracted.

This happens way too often… someone is shopping on their phone, mom calls, and then boom!

… They’ve forgotten all about their shopping cart.

As long as you have their email, you can then send them a “Cart Abandonment Email”, notifying them of the bargain they almost lost.

Bring them back to your site using personal email reminders.

A good tool for this is “AbandonAid

Which one are you going to work on today? Comment below!

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